Registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Falls Park , Greenville (SC)

Greenville Maharashtra Mandal (GVLMM) is a Non-Profit , cultural and community development Organization serving Greenville Upstate area. Also known as GVLMM , Greenville Maharashtra Mandal is a social group formed to preserve the culture of those born in the Indian state of Maharashtra, and speakers of its language, Marathi , along with a task of encouraging cultural inclusiveness from other community members interested in learning about Marathi tradition and its language.
GVLMM was formed in the year 2000 by few enthusiastic, energetic and passionate Marathi families who felt the need for connecting with roots back home. Over the period of years since its inception, our Mandal has grown substantially becoming one of the vibrant cultural and community service organization . GVLMM strives to celebrate and share spirited lively Marathi cultural heritage. We organize various cultural events throughout the year and encourage participation from young children to senior community members. Our Organization provides a platform for members to showcase their talents and encourages local artists to participate in many dazzling events.
Community Programs

Marathi Shala (मराठी शाळा)
Greenville Marathi Shaala , running under the banner of GVLMM ( Greenville Maharashtra Mandal ) is controlled and operated by a group of devoted volunteers. Established with a student strength of about 25 students, and steadily growing, GVLMM Marathi shaala is proving to be a commendable success in Upstate region for Marathi language education.

Knitting & Crocheting class
As part of introducing active community programs, Greenville Maharashtra Mandal (GVLMM) launched Knitting and Crocheting classes on March. 23rd, 2019, for everyone in our community. The goal is to have fun and learn this very old traditional craft and keep it alive in the ever changing world of technology.

Community Service Program
GVLMM Launched its first ever Community Service Club viz: , aka : GMCS Club . This Club was launched on April 14th, 2019 . The main objective of GMCS Club is to make GVLMM youngsters / teenagers realize they can make a difference working together and give them the tools to do so. Develop awareness and understanding within GVLMM members, of the community they live in and mainly to create a group of caring and committed individuals at GVLMM .