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*Terms and Conditions for submitting user content over GVLMM website
GVLMM reserves the right not to post, display, or publish any User Content, and to delete, remove or edit any User Content submitted, posted, or displayed by you, at any time in its sole discretion without notice to you or liability to Greenville Maharashtra Mandal (GVLMM) .
GVLMM has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor any User Content submitted, posted, or displayed by you on the gvlmm webpage, to investigate any reported or apparent violation of the Terms of Service, and to take any action that GVLMM in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
About User content :
GVLMM कला मंच webpage offers features that allow you to submit, post, or display comments, information, materials, links, and other similar content (collectively, “User Content”) on legally allowed subject matters. You represent and agree that any use by you of such features, including your submission, posting, or display of any User Content and any use you make of User Content submitted by others, shall be your sole responsibility, shall not infringe or violate the rights of any other party or violate any laws, contribute to or encourage infringement or other illegal conduct, or otherwise be obscene, or objectionable, and that you have obtained all necessary rights and licenses with respect to such User Content. You further agree to provide truthful and complete information in connection with your submission, posting, or display of any User Content on the webpage. Moreover, you give GVLMM a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display, create derivative works of, and distribute any User Content that you submit, post, or display on or through, the कला मंच webpage , without any compensation or obligation to you.
In case of any questions or concerns, feel free to email gvlmm21@gmail.com
— GVLMM Committee